Girl Is NOT A 4 Letter Word

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Girls Demo At Vans Pool Party.

Julz, Poppy & Beverly getting ready to show the boys how it's done.
Beverly flying high
Old school pro's  Patti McGee, Peggy Oki, & Cindy Whitehead with current ripper, Poppy Olsen
Poppy Starr Olsen showing that even a 14 hr flight can't stop her
Poppy getting her Go Pro on before the demo

Cindy & Julz - old school meets new school
Julz Lynn bringing it for the crowd
Amelia Brodka, Bella Kenworthy, Poppy Starr & Sarah Thompson - this is what women's skateboarding looks like

Ripper Natalie Krishna Das, ready to rock & roll
Allysha Bergado, Lizzie Armanto, Poppy Olsen & Jordyn Barratt - a lot of talented shredders right here

Photos: Ian Logan  / iphone shots Cindy Whitehead

So cool to see the girls be invited to do a demo at the Vans Pool Party this weekend!  The invites went out to Julz Lynn, Poppy Starr Olsen, and Beverly Flood and they all three showed up ready to skate hard.

It was also nice to see that their fellow skaters (male & female) were on hand to watch & cheer them on. Skateboarding Hall of Fame inductees  Patti McGee (2011), Peggy Oki (2012) and Laura Thornhill (2013) were in attendance, as were many of the other girls from the 70's, to now.  It was a pretty sweet thing to see just how many girls & women were excited to come & support.

Poppy Starr had literally just rolled in off a 14 hr flight from her home in Australia to be there in time for the event, and while I am sure she was a bit jet lagged, she was eager to drop in and show the crowd what they wanted to see. Using both pools, Poppy looked awesome as always in style and execution. Even after having no warm up in the days prior  she threw done some massive airs.

Beverly Flood always looks good no matter where she skates and this night was no exception - with her smooth handplants and signature high airs the crowd was loving it. Beverly is a smooth & stylish skater and it's been fun watching her this past year.

Julz Lynn dropped in and attacked the combi as if she had just been watching & waiting to show the boys how it was done. And that she did. Her exceptional use and flow, going from square pool to round, was flawless. She always gets the crowd going and wanting to see more. She didn't disappoint.

Poppy, Beverly & Julz all kicked ass on Saturday and the crowd at Vans loved them. Congrats to all three of them for putting on an awesome demo! xx