Girl Is NOT A 4 Letter Word

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Who's Rad? Kyra Williams.

Photo: Russ Hoover
Photo: Steve Gaffney
  Photo: Robby Staley
Photo: Tavi Lono
Photo: Russ Hoover

We had heard about Kyra for a few years, the small blonde girl shredding the waves out front as if she was just hanging out in her own private playground having fun, & totally immune to those watching her in awe. Kyra is a true ripper, and with her consistent wins in the NSSA contests last season (and this season!) a lot more people are now knowing her name. She also skates and can usually be found carving up the alleys (barefoot)  when the  waves are small.  Keep your eye on this young shredder - she loves surfing Tavarua,  so maybe big wave surfing is in her future as well!

Who's Rad?   Kyra Williams

Age?     13

Home is?      Manhattan Beach, California

How long have you been surfing?    I tandem surfed with my dad when I was little, but I really got into surfing and padding into my own waves when I was 11.

What got you into surfing?     I've always watched my dad and brother surf since I was really little, but I really loved watching videos of Carissa Moore and John John Florence.

What do you enjoy most about surfing?     I love just being in the ocean and getting the rush of going fast down the line.

Do you enjoy competing in contests or is freeriding your thing?   I love both! Competing is a blast because it's so fun to test your skills in a certain amount of time and free riding is super fun because it's a good way to practice your skills and just relax.

Do you: shortboard? Longboard? SUP?    I short board mostly, but I also love to longboard and SUP!

Girls that Surf that inspire YOU?    Girls that inspire me are Carissa Moore, Lakey Peterson, Courtney Conolouge, and Laura Enever.

Favorite place you have ever surfed?     My favorite place I've ever surfed is Cloudbreak!

Favorite Surf Movie?     I really love Lakey Peterson's Zero to One Hundred.

Any memorable contests?     My most memorable was at the South Side of Huntington Pier when it was firing.

Favorite trick or maneuver?      For sure barrels.

We know you skate too – tell us about that – what type of skateboarding are you into?     I love to skate bowls and just cruise around.

Sponsors:     Spyder Surf and Girl is Not a 4 Letter Word

Three Things You Don't Know About Me:

1. I love to play the guitar and ukulele.
2. I love skiing Aspen Mountain.
3. I've always wanted to work at a fashion magazine one day!

What’s Next? 

I have contests all winter in the NSSA gold coast and Southwest.   I'm headed to Tavarua for spring break!

Make sure you follow Kyra on:  instagram @kyrasurf