That One Day, by American director Crystal Moselle, is the 12th commission from Miu Miu Women’s Tales, the acclaimed short-film series by women who critically celebrate femininity in the 21st century. Crystal Moselle’s debut, The Wolfpack, about a family who home schooled and raised their seven children in the confinement of their apartment in the Lower East Side, won the U.S. Documentary Grand Jury Prize at 2015’s Sundance Film Festival. Moselle also made the viral video sensation Shapeshifting, on a pack of 14-year-old ballerinas. 
“I am in love with the transformation stage in a girl’s life,” says Moselle, “when they are not quite a girl but not quite a woman.” That One Day renders this moment as a tender daydream -ardently feminine skaters in serene slow-mo- which isn’t afraid of the tough truths facing young women. “When I was in my transformation stage,” Moselle reveals, “as a young girl, Miu Miu was a big part of that story.”