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Who's Rad? Photographer Tiffany Williams.

Poppy Starr Olsen

Photos throughout by Tiffany Williams

There are all sorts of ways to have a career in skateboarding, beyond being a pro skater. In fact, a lot of pro skaters have dual careers that usually involve artistic endeavors. Photography is one of those paths.

Today's WHO'S RAD is an interview with Australian based photographer, Tiffany Williams. We met Tiffany after skateboarder Sari Simpson referred us to her, we liked her photographic style, in and out of skateboarding, and we were lucky enough to work with her and feature her photos from two major Australian skateboard comps this past year. But Tiffany's passion and style in photography goes even beyond what she does at the skatepark - she shoots fashion/lifestyle editorials, band gigs and more. Read on to see just what fuels her creativity.

Who's Rad?         Tiffany Jade Williams

Where do you live/work? 

Sydney, Australia – I work at a photo editing company in Sydenham called Raw Digital Lab + freelancing on the side.

How did you get started in photography?

My mum brought home a camera for work and I was completely fascinated. I ended up begging her for my own and haven’t put it down since!

What type of photography do you do when you are not shooting skateboarding?

I originally did a lot of events, particularly music, lots of festivals. Though I’ve stepped away and am trying to switch my focus towards fashion editorials.

What made you decide to start shooting female skaters? 

I love skateboarding; it has always been a sport that has captivated my attention. However I am not a great skater myself so I turned to passions into one. I suppose I drifted toward photographing girls over guys mainly because I was stunned and always wished I had their skill & confidence.

Sari Simpson

Are there any skaters you really enjoy working with & why? 

Definitely Sari Simpson, she’s the person who allowed me to explore skate photography. She’s one of my favourite skaters to watch, so much speed & determination.

Brighton Zeuner

What are some of your favorite places (skateparks, street, backyard pools) to shoot at? 

I only really shoot the Bondi Bowl but I had the opportunity to photograph the Vans Park Series in Manly and that was definitely one to remember.

Do you have an all time favorite female skate image that you’ve shot?

This image of Shanae Collins has got to be my favourite, the colours make it for me.

Shanae Collins

Any favorite tricks you like to shoot?

Love when girls pull inverts, really gets the crowd pumping.

Favorite camera body & lens?

Canon 6d & 40mm – I shoot most of my work with this set up, the ‘pancake’ lens tends to be more subtle so you can get some real nice candid’s.

Do you like to light or do you prefer shooting with natural light?

I’m not a studio shooter that’s for sure. I love utilizing natural light and work with that mostly. With skating I love adding in the flash because it makes the skater pop in the image.

Any girls out there you haven’t shot yet but would like to?

Plenty! Obviously a shoot with Lizzie Armanto would be iconic but I’ve started following UK skater Savannah Keenan who I’d also love to work with, she’s got a sweet fashion sense and style on board.

Poppy Starr Olsen

Any advice for someone who wanted to get into action sports photography? 

Practice, practice, practice. But more importantly, step back, watch what’s going on, follow the skater, see what spots they like to hit & then snap away. Observation has helped me so much.

Where can we see your work? - my favourite stuff can be seen on my site, but my most recent published work can be found through Sticks & Stones Agency and Off the Rails magazine.

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