Girl Is NOT A 4 Letter Word

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Elise Crigar Is The Girl you Want To Be.

Badass Elise Crigar designed our "It's Not About Pretty" book and we love seeing the positive press she is getting this week along with her new project SHE IS MORE.

First up, Elise has an awesome interview on San Diego Voyager that is a must read. The girl always tells it like it is - balls to the walls honesty.

"I am writing this now from my couch in a little beach abode in Dana Point, California. I bet you’re expecting me to tell you that I’ve made it. Tell you that it all fell magically into place, that all my work got noticed and had paid off. Well… it hasn’t. The constant hustle continues, the same pattern. No excuses. Ever. Working after work, before work and filing my weekends. But now I am just a little closer to my goal. Seven whole states to be exact."

Read the entire interview with Elise on San Diego Voyager  HERE  

Elise is also featured on the well-known podcast,  "Adventures in Design" with Mark Brickey talking about her career and the reality of designing the "It's Not About Prety" book, skateboarding and how difficult it can be to be in the "boys club" when you first start skating, what to do when doubt creeps into your mind, and moving from Florida to California to follow her dream.

Download the podcast, grab an acai bowl and your morning latte, and be ready to feel inspired to do epic shit by the time it's over, because it's AMAZING!!

Listen to "Why Girls Don't Skateboard" with Elise Crigar on Adventures in Design

“She is More” is a portrait series of influential women that are more than pretty faces and video views. Behind their media following are women that are just as real as the tricks they are landing. These ladies are making a positive impact by not living for attention and popularity but letting their passion drive them, and sharing their experiences with others. When it comes to image likes and followers their purpose runs deeper—they are more.

Who is it?

Anyone that stands above the influence of current media trends. She speaks for herself and is not swayed or caught up in the voices of others. She does not live for attention, but to impact and make a difference.

Project Purpose

The goal of this project is to celebrate women that are using their media influence for positive, impactful purposes. I want to share their story in hopes to inspire and empower others. 

Project background

Social media is a powerhouse. The opportunity for anyone to become anything is more available than ever. Everyone deals with the power of media differently, it can bring out the best, worst or a whole new version of someone. Before starting this project, I found myself feeling exhausted from media, finding it hard to see the reality behind individuals, their content, and voice. Instead of letting this negative energy affect me and my work, I set out to highlight women that are using their media for a positive influence.

You can read about pro skateboarder Jordyn Barratt, surfer Izzy Gomez - more women will be added soon!

Check out Elise's new project SHE IS MORE on her website HERE