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Iran Arrests 5 Female Skateboarders on Go Skateboarding Day for Not Wearing a Hijab

Photo Elise Crigar

We are feeling for our skate sisters in Iran right now with this awful news that came to light after Go Skateboarding Day…

Iranian state media reported Friday that authorities detained five female skateboarders and the organizers of the Go Skateboarding Day event where dozens of teenagers mixed freely and girls didn't wear headscarves. Both are a no-no under Islamic law, but usually, in larger cities, people look the other way - unfortunately not this time.

A video posted on Twitter of the “Go Skateboarding Day” event that took place on the main street in the city of Shiraz went viral on social media, prompting anger among conservative religious authorities in a country where the wearing of a Muslim hijab is mandatory for all women and teenage girls.

The state TV report said the provincial judiciary was looking into the event, while the state-run IRNA news agency reported that a rally to oppose Western-style gatherings of teenagers would be held after Friday prayers in Shiraz.

Iranian law bans women over the age of 9 from appearing in public without covering their hair with a hijab — a strict dress code imposed after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Many have publicly criticized the restrictions and a large number of the females in the video were not wearing headscarves. In recent years, Iranian adolescents have repeatedly challenged the regime's efforts to control various aspects of social life.

To know more about Islam law and better understand how they want Westerns to feel about it please read

Five things you need to know about women in Islam: Implications for advancing women’s rights in the Middle East