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Who's Rad? Micaela Wilson.

    Photos By Kevin O'Brien &  Khaleeq Alfred
I have been told by a very reliable source that Micaela Wilson - today's "Who's Rad" is one of the best female freeride /soft wheel sliding skaters in the world. The new Longboard Girls Crew video that's coming out soon will show just that - I hear Micaela was tearing it up in Israel! I can't wait to see this movie and more of Micaela!
Who's Rad   Micaela Wilson

Age: 18

Home:  Amherst, New Hampshire

How Long Have You Been Skating?  2 years       

Favorite place you've ever skated?   Jerusalem

Favorite Trick: grab slides!
Sponsors:  Loaded, Orangatang, Bear Trucks, RDVX, The Pucks

Three Things You Don't Know About Me:

1.   I LOVE mac and cheese!

2.   Before I skateboarded I was a figure skater.

3.  I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd.
What's Next?  Micaela can be seen prominently in the new Longboard Girls Crew video that's coming out soon!