Who's Rad? Annie Shaw.

 Photos: Megan Black

I decided to let Megan Black write this intro for Annie - this is a letter I received from Megan about why Annie should be our next Who's Rad...

This is Annie Shaw and she’s nine years old. Annie’s love for skating, charming personality, and determined attitude make her one cool human being. I met Annie and her family during one of my morning skate sessions at Pecos Skatepark. I immediately noticed her natural talent on a skateboard. Since then, I have gotten to know Annie through teaching skate lessons and let me tell you, she is one of the raddest nine year olds that I know. Not only is Annie passionate about skating, but her exuberant and unique personality make her one awesome kid. She’s not afraid to be silly, outspoken, and different than other kids. She does her own thing and does it with style.

Annie’s love for skating was very clear during our skate lessons. She would always let me know what tricks she wanted to learn and would practice them over and over again. Her mom told me that she had practiced 100 pop shuv-its in a row when they were on vacation. Now that is rad.

Although Annie loves skating, one of her best qualities is how well she engages in conversation so much that I sometimes forget that I’m talking to a nine year old! She enjoys interacting and getting to know other people through conversation. Annie also loves her local skate shop, Sidewalk Surfer. She has made friends with almost all of the employees at the shop and even wrote a great letter (see letter) to the shop asking if she could do an internship there. With her positive, independent and outspoken attitude Annie is going to be doing big things in the future. Who is rad you say? Annie Shaw.

Annie's letter to her fav skate shop...

Dear Sidewalk Surfer,

I would love to help you guys out. I’m only nine years old so you don’t have to pay me or anything. I’m good with people. I love skating and you are my favorite shop. I can do whatever you need me to do. I can put together boards but it takes me a while. I can grip a board too. I am home schooled so I can be there any time when normal schools are not out yet. My mom could drop me off or pick me up pretty much any time. Tim knows my dad Gary Shaw. I know all the employees. I would love you guys 10,000 times more if you could let me do this. Just kidding- I would still like you guys if you would not let me do it. I called yesterday but then my mom wanted me to email for an assignment. I don’t want to put you on the spot or anything like that so by the way this is Annie Shaw skater girl. I got a short hair cut and bleached it so you might not recognize me if I come in soon. I’m tall and that’s a good thing for a lot of reasons. Please write me back. Even one hour a week would be great.

 I'd say Annie Shaw is our kind of rad!   xx

Who's Rad?  Annie Shaw

Age: 9

Home is:   Arizona

How Long Have You Been Skating: 3 years

Girls Who Skate that inspire YOU:   Megan Black, Alana Smith

 Favorite Place to Skate:   Pecos skatepark

Favorite Trick:     olly to fakie

Three Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I played tackle foot ball on a league
2. I play the drums
3. my favorite band is Nirvana

Best skate memory?    When I got the nickname English muffin