5 To Follow on Pinterest.

Everyone loves a good visual, and sometimes scrolling through instagram for good skate photos is a crap shoot.

So here are 5 awesome boards to follow on Pinterest  . Get ready to get inspired, learn about some new skater girls, and start pinning!

Skate Style (Sunset Sessions) - this is a great board to follow, but seriously ALL of their boards will inspire you.  Not a bad one in the bunch!

Skater Girls (Karine Gratton) - great selection of female skate shots - all pretty rad!  She keeps pinning more & more. Awesome source of inspiration.

Go Skateboarding (Dora Kim) - fun, colorful and mainly covers skater girls. Some fashion skate shots mixed with core. 

Shred (Volcom Womens) - mix of skate & surf, but what we love is it isn't and ad for Volcom - its a mix of inspirational images that evoke the California girl lifestyle.

Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word - yep, we have our own board on founder Cindy Whitehead's Pinterest page. Some pins are from our GN4LW site (so Pinterest great place to catch up if you've missed some of our site posts) and we love to pin what we find on other people's pages.