Who's Rad? Gaby Ponce.

Photo: Olivia Bush
Photo: Olivia Bush

Photo: Olivia Bush
Photo: @Dickey555 on instagram
Photo: Adam Kure

We have known about Gaby forever - but seriously who doesn't? But we had never had the pleasure of meeting her until this year at the Vans US Open. We noticed that in person she's one of the quiet ones, the type you have to watch out for if you are competing against them, because she's stealth and seriously rad. The kind of skater that silently drops in then leaves you with your mouth dropping wide open as she pulls back to back tricks one after another. There is a lot of power & determination under that calm, cool exterior. Glad we got a chance to do this interview and let Gaby tell you what it's really like to do all she does.  xx

Who's Rad?      Gaby Ponce

Age?      22

Home is?         El Cajon, CA

How long have you been Skating?      10yrs

What got you into skateboarding?     A TV show called Rocket Power

What is your favorite terrain to skate?      Vert ramps of course!

You have competed in numerous X-Games and Dew Tours – can you tell us how many and how many medals?

3 XGames with 2 medals  &  2 Dew Tours with 2 medals

I know you took 3 years off from competing – can you tell us a little about what made you decide to step back from comps?

I went to college and I didn't have much time to skate as I put my studies as my #1 priority.

Do you feel that now that you are back to competing, the time off gave you added motivation?

Taking time off created a renewed passion for my skating. It's hard for me to put into words how much fun I am having!

You are always so calm at contests – what’s your secret for staying in the moment and not letting nerves get the best of you?

HAHA! Despite my quiet personality I am actually a nervous wreck! I try and treat any contest as a normal practice session though.

What advice can you give to girls who may be starting out skateboarding and also those who are competing at the amateur level?

Fear is just an illusion. You are the one who created it. If you want to land a new trick you got to want it!

Between traveling for contests, working, and training – what is your favorite way to eat to keep your body healthy for skating?

Fruits, veggies, grains, and a bit of meat here and there.

What are your plans for competing in the upcoming year – any contests you are looking forward to?

Exposure because it has a vert contest... They know whats up!

Favorite place you've ever skated?      Everywhere in SoCal

Favorite Trick or manuver?      Boardslide to fakie


Moonshine Skateboards, Sun Diego Boardshops, KIND Snacks, Bones Wheels, Triple 8 helmets, 187 Killer Pads

Any other plans/things you are working towards in your pro career?

Right now Moonshine Skateboards and I are working on a graphic for my very first pro model.

Working on the industry side later on is definitely a goal for me.

Three things you don't know about me... 

1. Some dude cut me off when I was driving so I threw a bag of trail mix at his car

2. When I was in college I was 40lbs heavier

3. I never wear make-up

What’s Next?
Rocky Mountain Rampage vert competition Aug23
Exposure vert competition Nov 8
Moonshine Skate Video part

Make sure you follow Gaby on: Instagram @gabyskates ,   Twitter @gabyskates Facebook.com/gabyponcefanpage