Pro Skater Lacey Baker Has Something To Say.

In depth and interesting interview with Lacey Baker on BROADLY . Lacey speaks candidly about women vs men in skateboarding and how she really feels about sponsors, contest, and skateboarding.

"Yeah, but a lot of people think we are complaining. "You should be grateful to get less than half of what the first place prize is for men for our whole entire purse."  Lacey Baker on the prize purse for women vs men.

We like women who speak their mind - we aren't saying you have to agree with everything, but just take a minute to read what Lacey has to say - this is her experience and how she feels that the skate industry has treated women and why it needs to change. Speaking out is key in creating change and it's sometimes a very hard thing to do.

Tahnks to Lacey for making herself heard.

You can read the whole article HERE

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