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Vans Girls Combi 2016 - Coverage From Across The Web.

We've compiled all sorts of Vans Girls Combi Pool Contest coverage from videos to photos, from across the web so you can relive last weekend radness all over again! Some amazing videos and photos were shot - proving that coverage of women's skateboarding is growing bigger every single event!

Vans did an awesome video of highlights that you'll want to watch again and again.

  Skidmark Magazine has rad photos, like this one of Julz Lynn, and tons of the other girls, taken by Photographer Lorrie Palmos on their site.

Thrasher did a sick edit of the event.

Erik "Dirty" Sandoval and Monique O'Toole shot a cool video for Mahfia

Mahfia has a photo gallery up shot by Garret Naka that looks awesome

2016 Girls' Combi Classic from Dan on Vimeo.

Dan Bourqui did this comprehensive video that's totally rad - in fact OG pro skater Jim Gray was raving about it this morning on FB - so you know it's gotta be good!

Lizzie Armanto / Photo Olga Aguilar

  Juice Magazine has photos on their site taken by Olga Aguilar  - worth checking out!

The Ride Channel did a great video of highlights that's a must see.

Nicole Hause / via Thrasher Magazine

Transworld Skateboarding  did a beautiful series of black and white photos

Nora Vasconcellos

 GN4LW coverage,  shot by Joanne Barratt - action shots HERE 

Poppy Starr Olsen and Sarah Thompson

And Joanne's candid shots (which we love!) HERE

We were just alerted to this cool video by Caro Vilain as well!!

Check out the recap from Dave Duncan over at World Cup Skateboarding's site  and all the rad photos from photographer Dan Sparagna.

Jordyn Barratt / photo via Roll For Glory

A complete post and age division shots are up over at Roll For Glory which is shot by Garret Naka

Pro skaters Jim Gray & Jean Rusen - who also was a judge for the girls comp / Photo Heidi Lemmon.
Coming up soon: Keep your eye out for Coping Block Magazine in your local skate shop because photographer Heidi Lemmon's shots will be appearing there. We will let you know as soon as it's out!