It's Time To Start Creating The Skate Media We Want To See.

 Photos & Design Elise Crigar    /    Skater Zoe Herishen

We are all about girls creating their own media and putting it out there, so we love being able to post a few of the images that came from the recent session team riders Elise Crigar and Zoe Herishen did while Zoe was out in Florida this month.

Elise created the concepts to help promote GN4LW and she did all the photography and layouts, and Zoe skated and showed off some product for us - so many awesome pics came from this shoot.

Which brings us to our next point - we want to stand behind girls who are creating their own media - are you shooting photos or video of you and your friends skating?  Hit us up, we'd love to try and share what you're doing. It can be short and sweet, or maybe it's a film you're working on and you'd like to promote the teaser for it? Whatever it is, we'd like to help get the word out there and promote your project.

Next up:  Phase II  about how we plan on helping girls create your own skate media will be posted soon - we want to stand behind you in more ways than one - so stay tuned!

You can reach us via email at with your ideas or questions

It's time we all started creating the girls skate media we want to see.  xx