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An Interview & Behind the Scenes With Skater Mia Lovell on the New Amazon Hit Film "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things".

Image via Lovell Family

Everyone has been talking about the new movie  "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" since it launched on Amazon Prime a few weeks ago. One of the biggest questions with skaters has been, "who is the female skateboarder that nailed the stair jump?!"

Well, we have the answer, fourteen year old Mia Lovell from Arizona! She's competed at Exposure, Posieden, the Cal State Games (where she took home athlete of the year!), Dam Am and many more contests. Mia skates bowl and street,  has a killer skatepark at her house and is absolutely one of the nicest people to spend time with! She's not only an excellent skater, but now she can add actor to her resume.


Mia's IMDB listing

We decided that it was about time everyone learned what really happens when you get selected to skate in a major motion picture. Mia graciously took time out of her busy schedule to do this interview with us and share in the ins and outs, from being cast to being on set, and nailing that kickflip down the stairs scene.

If you haven't seen this film yet yet - put in on your watch list - because its really good!


The Map of Tiny Perfect Things tells the story of quick-witted teen Mark, contentedly living the same day in an endless loop whose world is turned upside-down when he meets mysterious Margaret also stuck in the time loop. Mark and Margaret form a magnetic partnership, setting out to find all the tiny things that make that one day perfect. What follows is a love story with a fantastical twist, as the two struggle to figure out how – and whether – to escape their never-ending day. Starring: Kathryn Newton and Kyle Allen

*This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity


Cindy:  So, let's talk about how you scored this excellent part of "Skate Rat Girl" in the new hit film "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things".  

Mia: Mike McGill was looking for a girl for the film and was talking with Amelia Brodka, and she showed him a video of me doing a kickflip down a six-stair!

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The instagram video that landed Mia the part!

Cindy: And that was it?  You didn’t even have to come in for an audition?

Mia: Yes, that’s right.  Mike called my dad and discussed it, and I got booked.

Mia with Mike McGill ~ Image via Lovell Family

Cindy: You live in Arizona, but the movie was filmed in Alabama. How soon did you have to leave to start shooting?

Mia: It was about a month before I left.

Cindy: Did they ask you to practice anything specifically before you came?

Mia: Well, I knew it would be a stair set feature, but I didn't know how big, so I just kind of practiced my tricks on stairs leading up to it.

Cindy: But you already feel comfortable hitting stairs; you've got this pretty down – which is good.  How many stairs did you have to kickflip down in the film?

Mia: It was a six stair, I believe, but they were really deep, so they're like twice as deep as regular stairs. Plus, it was in Alabama, and the weather was really rough, very humid, so there were times when I landed that I scrapped myself up a little bit.

Cindy: So, was Mike McGill, your stunt Coordinator, on set?

Mia: Mike was the stunt coordinator for the film, so he coordinated everything I did. And when I was doing my stunts, I got to talk to actors a little bit, and they were really nice.

Mia on set with lead actress, Kathryn Newton ~ Image via Lovell Family

Cindy: How many days were you there?

Mia: About three days

Cindy: Did they ask you to do anything besides kick flipping the stairs, was there anything you did for the movie that was cut out and that we didn't see?

Mia: Everything that I did was put in. I was pretty happy about that!

Cindy: Wow, that's really cool because a lot of things usually get cut. You had a speaking part, too, right? Are you a member of SAG now?

Mia: I did. I’m not SAG yet because I have done two film things, and I think you need three to be SAG?

"The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" Trailer

Cindy: I think this is so cool because people have this idea that you need to live in Southern California to have these opportunities, and you're proof that if you just skate hard, have a positive attitude, people notice you – Instagram is a great place for that - no matter where you may live.  Movies aren't always filmed in Southern California anyway. In your case, you went to Mobile, Alabama.

Mia: Yes, I was in Fairfield, Alabama, for this. I love that town. It was awesome being down there.

Cindy: I’ve been to Mobile quite a few times. There are few skate parks and good skate spots - did you get to go skate anywhere else, or did you just have to concentrate on a movie and the set?

Mia: The first day we got there was kind of like a practice day, so they took me to the actual set and had us skate it. And then, and then we just kind of hung out and went to a couple skate spots. Then on another day they actually filmed everything.

Mia in make-up before filming ~ Photo Lovell Family

Cindy:  Were you nervous once they said, rolling, and you had to do it on cue. Did it make you nervous at all or just like, hey, this isn't another day at the skate park.

Mia:  I guess it is a little nerve-wracking because like everyone's looking at you, the skaters are there like watching and stuff, and they were all super cool. And then all the people filming, but once you start skating, you're kind of dialed into it, I think.

Cindy: Yeah, I think you get that skater mentality right, and you just zone in, just like you do for contests because you're used to that as well, you know once you do a contest, there are tons of people watching, and now at like Vans US Open we have cameras everywhere and it kind of gets you prepared for all this, which is great. We never used to have that.

Were there other girls skating in in this movie too, or you're the only female and with all guys?

Mia: Yeah, I’m the only one in there, and all the rest were guys.

Cool. And you're the only one who got to make the kickflip down the stairs.

Mia: Yeah.

Editors Note: In the movie, all the guys fail while trying to make a kickflip down the stairs, but Mia’s character rolls up and does it flawlessly!


Mia getting mic'd up ~ photo Lovell family


Cindy: Now, what about your wardrobe? Did you bring some things and they selected from your real skate wardrobe, or did they have everything already for you and just said “hey, this is what you're going to wear?”

Mia: Leading up to it, they went to my Instagram looking for looks. So I brought some of my own stuff and on that practice day, I got to meet with the costume designers. I had my own little trailer and stuff while we were figuring out my outfit and stuff – it was really fun!

Cindy: Did they realize that it was kind of important that you wear your own shoes because of the feel on the board?

 Mia: Oh yeah, they were super, super cool about that.

 Cindy: I love that people realize that, because I work in that world, doing wardrobe styling and for many years I had to explain to clients like hey, they have to wear their own shoes for skateboarding, and BMX and this kind of stuff because you can't just throw on a new pair of shoes and have them dialed in immediately.


Mia waiting to skate ~ Photo Lovell family

Mia: The producers were actually very familiar with skating. Both of their kids skate, and one was in the scene with me. They were really great with me. They made me feel really awesome and special.

Cindy: It sounds like you had a really good experience, and it sounds like the cast and crew were super nice. Was there a favorite part of your three days there?

Mia: After I land the trick in the scene, I come back and kind of celebrate with everybody. And it felt like so real, you know, is such a good feeling…

Cindy:  like a real skatepark moment, where all your friends give you high fives and congratulate you for making it?

Mia:  Yeah.  It just felt so real and awesome!

Cindy:  Were you sad to leave and go home?

Mia: I was. The trailer, the set, and the people were just so much fun.

Mia in front of her trailer on set - Photo via Lovell family

Cindy:  That's so cool. It sounds like you'll have an opportunity to do more acting and stunt work like this.  It was great seeing you in this film Mia! Big Congrats!!
You can catch Mia in "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" playing now on Amazon Prime