Posts tagged Yama
This New Film Shines a Light on the Women Who Surf and Skate in Ghana.

You know we are huge fans of women who shine a light on non-traditional skate and surf communities, so we are very excited to haer about this new film getting ready to premier that features both surfers and skaters in Ghana.

Lucy Small, an Australian surfer and activist, embarks on a journey to Ghana to meet a group of pioneering female surfers and skaters. Ghana, which was once a stronghold of the transatlantic slave trade and has a history of Atlantic aquatic surf culture that predates colonial invasion, is the setting for a story of reclamation and joy.

The aim of this story is to challenge the negative representations that many African nations are often subjected to in western media.

The documentary, titled "Yama," begins in the bustling city of Accra and travels to the wave-rich coastline, where communities are driving the budding Ghanaian modern surf scene. The female surfers live in an area populated by the Fantes, who call their wooden boats "Yama," and these boats still cross Ghana's shoreline today.

"Yama" is a film by Maddie Meddings and Lucy Small, presented by Project Blank in association with Mecca Mpower, Heaps Normal, Surf Ghana, Obibini Girls Surf Club, Justice Brothers Surf School and Club.