These 4 Skater Girls Are The Next Wave.

Brighton Zeuner and C.J. Collins  / Photo by Swift

Lizzie Armanto /  Photo by Acosta

Monica Torres /  Photo by Choppa
Sabre Norris / Photo by Frost

Things are seriously changing for the better when we open up a skateboard magazine and see not one, but four shots featuring rad female skaters. Yep, grab the August issue of THE SKATEBOARD MAGAZINE and prepare to be stoked.

Brighton Zeuner in a 2 page spread doing doubles with C.J. Collins , Lizzie Armanto doing a backside diaster, Monica Torres with a nollie heelflip and Sabre Norris getting some major height in the half-pipe.

This issue is definitely one you need to keep for some major inspiration. We are stoked to see how far we have come in girls skateboarding, and excited to see what's next, as we head towards the Olympics. Things are getting better and better for sure!