Sneak Peek From The Girls Practice Sesh At The Vans Continental Classic in Australia!

Ruby Trew
Shanae Collins
Haylie Powell
Sari Simpson
Shanae Collins
 Photos by Tiffany Williams

The girls in Australia are gearing up for the Vans Continental Championships which takes place this Thursday in AU (Wednesday here in the USA) since this is a qualifier event, it will not be webcast so we will be bringing you all the news and photos from the girls event right here Wednesday morning - so stay tuned!

The park Vans built looks insane!  This is an important contest because the girl who takes first place at this event will be invited to compete in the Vans Park Series Championships in September in the USA.

You can read more about how the new Vans Park Series and Continental Championships work --->  HERE

Good luck to all the girls!!