Poppy Starr Olsen Stars In INXS Rekicked Video.

Team rider Poppy Starr Olsen stars in the INXS  (popular 80's band you should definitely know) Mystify rekicked video, and she kills it. Perfect timing for Poppy's new edgy, short, white blond haircut to make it's debut. She's cool as shit in this video skating on a 80's Vision Psycho Stick (which was featured on the bands album back in the day) all over Sydney. The locations Poppy skates pay tribute to venue's the band played in their early days - some of which are no longer in existence.

Mystify was one of the popular songs from INXS's album "KICK" and Poppy is one of four talented people that are "rekicking" the most well known songs from the award winning album that's celebrating it's thirty-year mark.

Said Poppy; “As a big fan of the eighties, and its music, I was honoured to be asked to interpret Mystify in my own way.”