Bowl-A-Rama Women's Final Results & Recap..

Sabre Norris
Poppy Starr Olsen
Jordyn Barratt
Hunter Long
Grace Cochrane

Photos Tiffany Williams for Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word

We thought the Bowl-A-Rama qualifiers were insanely good,  but the finals were killer. These girls were in it to win. There was no holding back and the skating was fast and furious. It was one of the best women's contests we have ever seen!

Sabre Norris seemingly came out of nowhere for this contest and put together each of her runs full of back to back tricks, including huge FS airs, andrechts, switch 50/50's and of course the incredible 540 that she threw down with total ease.

Last years Bowl-A-Rama winner, Jordyn Barratt, came out swinging with a mixture of tricks including FS inverts, BS airs, crail slides, a beautiful boneless, gay twists, her signature eggplant and a FS stalefish. She's always fun to watch, and mixes it up every run.

Poppy Starr Olsen, always a crowd favorite, dropped in and executed a perfect run to set the tone. From feeble's, BS airs, Front 5-0's, Rock sliders, inverts, an alley oops with a mute grab and a gay twist, she was all about smooth style and power during her runs. She really has a nice mix of tricks  and doesn't fear just going for it!

Hunter Long had some beautiful and stylish tricks in her runs - including an eggplant, inverts, smith grinds and she even went for a 540 straight off on one of her last runs - so ballsy!! We think we will be seeing Hunter on podium more this yaer - she just keeps getting stronger and more stylish all the time.

Newcomer Grace Cochrane had some nice feeble grinds, rocksliders, and a rad decked out rock & roll, she tried a back D that we wished she had made - she was so close!  She has only been skating 3 years and is one to watch. We will definitely be seeing more of this rad young girl!


1st   Sabre Norris
2nd  Jordyn Barratt
3rd   Poppy Starr Olsen
4th   Garce Cochrane 
5th   Hunter Long

Women's skateboarding is progressing fast, and we like what we are seeing!

Congrats to all the girls for a great comp and thanks to Bowl-A-Rama for having us!