Skate Sorority Video Pokes Fun At What People "Think" Girls Skateboarding Is.

A funny video from Vice x Vans by director  Krizia Victoria that satires how women are often seen in skateboarding and asks the question; why do all these "JOIN US!!" girl groups keep popping up?

Much love to core groups that are all about just finding one another and skating hard (Las Chicaz, Lady Lurkers, She Skates Here, Salty Bitches, etc.) because we all know it's way more fun to skate with friends. But when it becomes all about "joining" and an outreach to get you to do so, it does start feeling like a "sorority" (aka a cult) and most of us chose to skate to get away from precisely that. 

Big congrats to Krizia for ticking all the gender stereotype boxes and hitting back with what girls skateboarding is not. Well done and funny!

Watch until the end - you'll be happy you did!