This is a Find! This All Girls Skate Video Was Released in 1992

We love it when we all come together as a community to share the history of women’s skateboarding. Our friends at BigFoot Magazine just wrote about the Villa Villa Cola OG skate film “Getting Nowhere Faster” and we shared that on our Facebook page. In response, one of our rad followers, Marc Brinkers, came forward to show us his own VHS tape of this rare classic, SK8HERS, which was released in 1992 and was one 30-minute VHS tape in a two-part set - the other VHS tape was SKATE SESSIONS.

SK8HERS features Cara-Beth Burnside, Rhonda Doyle, Saecha Clarke, and Diane Desidero.

The film was produced by Patty Segovia (from the All Girls Skate Jam days!), and Brock Suter and Ethan Fox did the cinematography, directing, and editing.

And don’t fear that you can’t get your hands on this little-known gem - we have it playing right here on our site for you to enjoy!