Image via Tactics Boardshop
We are HUGE fans of BIGFOOT Magazine and founder Migzy, so when Tactics announced that they were releasing a BIGFOOT board in support - we were so stoked, and you should be too!
This via Tactics… (check out their Instagram for the super fun video!)
It’s the early 2000’s in sunny Southern Oregon; Meghan “Migzy” McGuire heard a tale of a girl down in Modesto that was absolutely ripping. As members of their own budding non-traditional local skate scene, Migz and her friend Amy were SO hyped on this unknown shredder. 👾 It was as if she had spotted the rare Crested Caracara… or had seen BIGFOOT.”
This skater ended up being Vanessa Torres, and almost 20 years later, both the non-traditional skate scene and Migz and Vanessa’s friendship have blossomed into something special.
Seeing non-trad skaters isn't like seeing BIGFOOT anymore. @bigfootmagazine is here to keep skating fun, simple, spicy, and to encourage the fringe to have fun with friends & skateboards.
Image via Tactics
The Bigfoot Magazine deck comes in 8.0 8.25 and 8.5 and is $44.95 + it comes with free grip!
🆕 Tactics x @bigfootmagazine Decks are now available in-store and online
Get yours HERE